February Scholar of the Month - Yusuf

Yusuf is a talented young musician from Hounslow Music Service and has been excelling in rhythm and advanced violin classes at his primary school. He has shown great initiative as a violin ‘buddy’ to the other pupils who find violin class more challenging and has mentored any new starters, even giving up his break time to work with a pupil who moved into the class and had not had violin lessons before.

We’re delighted to welcome Yusuf as one of our new Scholars as part of the 2024-2028 cohort, and celebrated his Scholarship Award at our Sinfonia Smith Square Awards Day in September.

We asked Yusuf:

What did you enjoy the most about the Scholars' Awards Day?

‘I loved everything! I think that the day was great and that it was an amazing piece of music that made everyone smile.’ 

What are your musical goals for the future?

‘My goal is to keep getting better at violin and to never stop learning and have fun.’ 

We look forward to seeing Yusuf’s progress over the course of his Scholarship!


January Scholar of the Month - Oliver