January Scholar of the Month - Oliver
Oliver has had nothing but praise for his achievements and a fantastic attitude towards learning the French Horn - he is described as ‘very hard working’ in his lessons by his tutor, Mike. He enjoys being set challenges, including sight-reading music above his graded level, and will regularly transcribe and play songs and film scores from the radio at home.
Oliver experiences genuine joy at being asked to demonstrate how the horn works to other young people, enjoys drawing the instrument regularly before he starts his lessons and uses his spare time to listen to his favourite Concerti (Mozart is the current winner).
We asked Oliver how he was finding his Scholarship so far:
How did you find the most recent Playing Day at City of London School for Boys?
‘I loved it! The staff were really encouraging and nice to the players and it was amazing to play with other musicians from across London. I thought you needed to be a great musician to compose music but I discovered that you just need an idea. That has inspired me to start writing my own music. I have formed a band with my school friends now!’
What has been your favourite moment of your Scholarship so far?
‘Me and the other Kingston LMF scholars got to play at The Royal Albert Hall in November. I never thought I would play in such a massive and iconic hall and I absolutely loved playing Earth by Hans Zimmer there.’
What are you looking forward to most this coming year?
‘I am excited to go to more LMF playing days and start with the National Children’s Orchestra Projects in February. I can’t wait to spend the whole weekend making music!’
What are your musical goals for the future?
‘I want to always enjoy music as much as I do now. When I am older, I want to travel the world with my horn.’