July Scholar of the Month

This month we are featuring one of our 2022 Graduates! Joy became a Scholar in 2018 so will be completing the programme this month, after a fantastic four years of progress. Joy was nominated for the Scholarship in Year 5, when she reached Grade 3 level on the flute after just one year of lessons. Since then she has continued to make great progress and has enjoyed playing in ensembles at Bromley Youth Music Trust.

Joy achieved a Merit for her Grade 6 exam in the autumn of 2021. Since then she has expanded her repertoire even further and worked hard on committing every scale and arpeggio to memory, to strengthen her technique. Joy always gives her all in lessons and has a fantastic attitude. She loves learning new repertoire and preparing for performances at school. She has been listening to other flautists’ interpretations of the pieces she is working on to inform her own performance. Joy also loves sight reading which she does in lessons, playing duets with her teacher.

Joy at one of our Playing Days at Guildhall School of Music & Drama in 2019

In the autumn term Joy played the leading role in her school’s production of Legally Blonde. Her teacher told us she was “fantastic, confident and so engaging.” Joy loved this experience and as a result has chose both music and drama as GCSE options. Her teacher told us that Joy’s goal is to pass her Grade 8 Flute before the end of Year 12, which we are sure she will achieve!

“I have known Joy for 5 years and in this time it has been a privilege to see her develop into a shy flute player to a fantastic confident performer taking centre stage! Joy is an asset to BYMT and her school ensembles. She attends every musical group possible and is dedicated to them all.” - Joy’s flute teacher

Our Q&A with Joy

Looking back at your Awards Day in 2018, how would you compare yourself then and now?

As a musician I have improved my learning and playing of music. From the shy girl who was at grade 3 not knowing how to co-operate my music with others to a confident brave girl who is going to do her grade 8 and is able to play in an orchestra and teach others how to play as well. I am very grateful to have had this scholarship because I would not have come this far without it. During this time only less than two years ago I was also able to get singing lessons. Now I am already grade 8 on singing as well.

What has been your favourite moment of the Scholarship?

Not really a favourite moment but I have loved every concert this scholarship has given to me. I have loved listening and watching other orchestras as it is an inspiration to me and has made me want to become a musician in an orchestra.

What’s your proudest achievement as a musician so far?

​One of my proudest achievements was becoming the flute 1 in my concert orchestra as it is the second-best orchestra in the whole of BYMT. 

Do you have any exciting performances coming up, or anything you’re looking forward to?

Even though it is singing instead of flute I might be performing with my choir on Britain's got Talent. I personally think this scholarship has helped with this though as I have been able to work on my bravery and performing in front of others, as well as being able to work with others as a team. As you know I am on grade 8 singing as well, my singing teacher has offered me to possibly start recording music with me in a proper professional recording studio which could open up endless opportunities as well.  Recently, I have also been given a music scholarship with my school which promises many performing opportunities as well. 

Do you have any advice for our younger Scholars or those who will be starting as Scholars in September?

My advice is if you are ever given an opportunity to perform or even to watch a performance, take it, do not be afraid of the challenges that you might face! You will not believe how much it (performing) will impact your passion and enjoyment of music in general. It will also impact you as a player. Also have faith in your playing. Don't just play because someone asked you, do it as a choice and for your enjoyment. Music is a great therapy! 


August Scholar of the Month


Announcing our Round 3 Amplify cohort!