Please support our Champions for Children campaign

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We are delighted to be taking part in The Big Give's Champions for Children campaign again this year. The campaign runs from 12:00 on Tuesday 8 June to 12:00 on Tuesday 15 June, and donations received (up to our target) during this period will be matched, thanks to our pledgers and The Childhood Trust. That means double the donation, and twice the impact.

Our ambitious overall target is £40,000, which will make a huge difference to the number of children we are able to support with our next round of Scholarships. We are currently receiving nominations for our 2021 cohort of Scholars, and we want to make sure we can support ALL the amazing young musicians who deserve the chance to develop their talent and reach their full potential. We couldn't award new Scholarships in 2020 due to the pandemic, which means there is twice the number of children who need our support this year. Please help us to ensure none of them miss out on the chance to develop their talent and fulfil their potential.

Please donate if you can, and share with your friends! Thank you so much for your support.

Why are we taking part in the campaign, and what will the funding be used for?

The campaign will provide unrestricted funding to ensure we can continue our vital work supporting London's children from low-income families through music.

2021 is our Ten Year Anniversary, and we want it to be a huge celebration of the power of music, particularly as we emerge from the pandemic and are able to return to the magic of in-person music-making.

Over the last ten years we have worked extraordinarily hard to enable children from low income families to reach the heights of musical progression once only available to their better off peers. Since 2011 we have:

  • invested more than £3million into music education in the capital

  • funded more than 50 inspirational projects with professional partners

  • funded Scholarships for 536 talented young Londoners from low-income families

  • directly involved more than 10,000 young people in musical activity, and brought music to nearly 40,000 others through concerts, workshops and taster sessions

Fundraising continues to be a huge challenge for small charities like ours. We haven't been able to hold a fundraising event since 2019, and ordinarily we rely on such events to raise vital funds. We are thus incredibly grateful to be able to take part in Champions for Children again this year.

There are more young musicians in need of our support than ever, and we really want to be able to give them the chance to develop their talent and fulfil their potential. If we reach our target in this campaign, the funding will go a long way in helping us to award a large number of Scholarships this summer. Music has the power to change lives; please donate to help us make this happen!

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