Meet our Award Winners — Ayomide

Ayomide is a 2021-25 drum kit Scholar from Newham Music Hub. At our Summer Celebration Day, Ayomide won the Most Improved Scholar Award, which recognises Scholars who have put in outstanding effort towards their Scholarship.

Ayomide’s progression on the drum kit has been described as ‘staggering’ and ‘far beyond his years’. He has been working on complex grooves in 7:8 and 5:8 and is a great role model for other musicians within his Music Service’s ensembles. Recently, Ayomide performed at The Isle Of Wight Festival on the youth stage, and accounts from the audience say it left them speechless.

What was your favourite part of the Playing Day and workshop on 7 July? 

My favourite part about the Playing Day on the 7th of July was practicing the second song that we performed.

What does being a London Music Fund Scholar mean to you?

Being a London Music Fund Scholar means alot to me as music has been a big part of my life ever since I was way younger.

What have you enjoyed the most about being a London Music Fund Scholar? 

The thing I have enjoyed most about being a scholar is the ability to make new friends and having more social confidence in public.

What are your musical goals for the future?

My musical goal for the future is to play the drum kit for a massive artist and become a celebrity drummer.


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