Meet our Award Winners — Ruby

Ruby began her violin Scholarship in 2021 with Camden Music Service and has been described as one of the most ‘versatile and dedicated musicians in her year group’.

At our Summer Celebration Day, Ruby won the Outstanding Commitment to Learning Award. Ruby was nominated by her Mentor because she makes her learning look effortless, and is always reliable and well-prepared for lessons and group activities. Since gaining her violin Scholarship, Ruby has also started learning the viola and bass guitar, and is working towards her grade 5 music theory and Arts Award Silver.

We asked Ruby a few questions about her experience as a Scholar and the Summer Celebration Day:

What was your favourite part of the Playing Day and workshop on 7 July?

I loved every part about the Playing Day but I'd have to say my favourite part of the day was when we performed our pieces, as well as when I received my award. 

What does being a London Music Fund Scholar mean to you?

Being a London Music Fund Scholar means so much to me. It has enabled me to learn the violin and viola to a good level and it's also allowed me to play in many groups and orchestras. Playing with other people is one of my favourite things about being a music scholar. Without the London Music Fund I wouldn't be where I am musically today. I'm so grateful to have received all the opportunities from the London Music Fund that I have.

What have you enjoyed the most about being a London Music Fund Scholar?

I have enjoyed being part of my Saturday orchestra "Sinfonia" the most. I like how we play challenging and fun pieces that help me to improve my violin skills. I love playing in a group as It's so nice to hear so many different instruments playing together. Playing in a group also means that I get to make friends with people I wouldn't have met otherwise. 

What are your musical goals for the future?

I would like to become a professional musician when I'm older. I would like to release music with my band (something that we are in the process of doing) and I would also like to get into a good professional orchestra.


Meet our Award Winners — Mohammed


Summer Celebration Day